


IT支持关系是如何变坏的? 可能是你的成长已经超出了你的供应商. It’s hard to know for sure if that’s the cause of your problems because the signs can be subtle. What’s more, the situation didn’t happen overnight but crept up on you slowly. 你们刚开始合作的时候一切都很好, 但现在你觉得自己停滞不前了, 或者甚至倒退. 这不仅仅是IT,而是你的整个业务. When you outgrow your IT provider, it means that your needs are more than they can handle. 它可能是[…]




当你需要IT支持的时候,它却不在那里, 你会觉得自己掉进了一个没有出路的黑洞. Not only does slow IT support response cause frustration for employees, 它会影响你的整个业务. What you end up with is technology that hinders operations instead of enabling them. What happens when IT support is always slow or doesn’t show up at all? Employees lose confidence that IT can help so they stop calling support at all. People try to fix their own issues which diverts them from their work. 他们向同事寻求IT帮助[…]




When you’ve decided that you’re done with underperforming IT and you’re looking for a way to turn your situation around fast, 托管IT服务是解决方案. Your IT department may have done very well in the past to effectively manage IT and cybersecurity. 然而, there’s no denying that technology has evolved at a breakneck pace and continuing to do 你’ve always done isn’t going to keep up. You may never have considered bringing in third-party IT support because you think you can’t afford it, or you simply don’t feel like you know enough yet to make an informed […]




What’s the transition to a managed IT services model going to be like? That’s the question that comes up next after you’ve decided that you need to do something different with IT, 托管服务是您的问题的解决方案. Whether you’ve picked a provider or you’re still evaluating your short list, asking questions about what the transition to the new services will look like will help you to be prepared. The managed service provider (MSP) should have an established onboarding process that they follow to get clients started with services. 入职的目标不仅仅是[…]




When you’ve decided that managed IT services are a good option for your business and you’re evaluating different companies, you need to understand what’s included and what’s not included in their monthly fee. Evaluating managed services provider (MSP) costs isn’t an apples-to-apples comparison, so having questions to guide your conversation about what to expect as far as costs is imperative. Before we go any further, let’s identify a price range for managed IT services prices. 在一般情况下, you can expect to pay between $75 and $250 per user per month so 你 pay depends in large part on the […]




When you’re disappointed with the service and results that you’re getting from your IT services company, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly why but one reason could be that they’re understaffed and overworked. The decline may have happened over a period of years or perhaps you’re a year into your relationship and it’s become apparent that the IT company can’t deliver what they promised. 无论哪种方式, 当你的IT服务公司人手不足时, 它在你的工作中表现为挫败感, 反复出现的问题, 以及明显的无能. 这发生在你身上了吗? 让我们更深入地看看你可能是什么[…]




如果你的IT经理今天辞职怎么办? What if two or more of your internal IT team needed time off at the same time? 如果多个IT员工的产假/陪产假重叠怎么办? What if everyone in the IT department got food poisoning from the takeout meal they shared? We’re getting a little melodramatic here but the point that we’re making is that when you have a small internal IT team, 你离大麻烦就差一步了, 尤其是在就业市场紧张的情况下. How can you make sure that you’re always staffed even if something happens to pull […]




作为一个商业领袖, you might be hesitant to make a change with 你’re doing with IT because you don’t have the technical background needed to compare different managed IT service companies. 如果您的目标是扩大您的内部IT团队, there will certainly be some technical questions that your IT manager will want answered. 然而, 无论您是在寻找共同管理还是完全外包的解决方案, 你, 作为一名高管, really need to determine is: As you gather the information that will answer these two questions, 你将能够描绘出它将会发生什么[…]



当你的企业依靠技术运行时(谁不是)?) you need to be confident that your IT team has the expertise and bandwidth to do everything that needs to be done. 是否有内部IT经理和员工, 或者一个“精通技术”的人来监督IT, there can come a time when you’re not convinced that what they can provide is enough. This puts your organization in a precarious position because when the balls start to drop, 你会受到影响的. 停机时间等影响, 员工和客户的挫败感, 丧失竞争优势, 甚至是网络攻击. 好的[…]


澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation Recognized as a Top Managed IT Service Provider

(2022年3月21日年-新奥尔良, LA) – 澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation is on CRN’s list of the Top 500 Managed IT Service Providers in the nation. This annual list identifies the leading service providers in North America whose forward-thinking approaches to managed services are changing the landscape of the IT channel, 帮助最终用户提高效率并简化IT解决方案, 同时最大化他们的投资回报. Bellwether’s consistent presence on the Top Managed Service Provider (MSP) list since 2014 is a sign of their commitment to bringing clients the highest quality of IT strategy and management. 而Bellwether提供管理和[…]

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